Lady Beast

Lady Beast

Lady Beast manga summary: The only goal in life for Elise, the princess of the Kingdom of Grandia, is to survive. She was married to the Duke Jin Jo, the madman of Landel. I expected to get love, but he did not even pay attention to her. Then one day, the curse began. “It’s going to be really crazy because of the moon,” Jin Jo said. “I am also in trouble because of ‘it’ that happens every morning.” The curse switched my husband’s body and mine! Can we break the curse and switch back? Elijah, la princesa del Reino de Grandia, su único objetivo en la vida era sobrevivir. Estaba casada con el duque de Gwen Ginger, un loco de Landel. Esperaba recibir amor, pero él ni siquiera le prestó atención. Entonces, un día, comenzó la maldición.
Status: OnGoing
Published: 1M ago
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