I’Ll Be The Matriarch In This Life

I’Ll Be The Matriarch In This Life

“…let’s give it a try. I’m going to be the head of the household.” Florentia reincarnated as the illegitimate child of Lombardi, the highest family in the Empire. Moreover, this family is not only rich, but also skilled in diplomacy and culture. Literally the history of the Empire! You won the golden spoon of gold! I thought it would be a solid one from now on…. My father is dead, my relatives are at the door, And I didn’t expect to ruin that famous family! On my way back with a little bit of a little bit of a drink to vent my anger, I’m gonna get hit by a wagon! “This is too much to do….” But resentment, for a moment, came back to seven when you opened your eyes? I can’t believe I’m seeing my beloved father again. I could save my father and his family? And the enemy of the family before the regression, The 2 princes are chasing after them like a big dog?! All right, the second prince and the whole family are mine! From reincarnation to regression, the third time in life, the project of becoming a singer in Florence!
Status: OnGoing
Published: 2y ago
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