I Became The Heros Mom

I Became The Heros Mom

I’d been stanning the hero for 3 years when I was suddenly caught red-handed by his tyrannical doting father, Duke Hades Louvremont.“Ceaseless pursuit, expensive gifts, and now you’ve come alone all this way up north with no regard for your life…”“I’m sorry. I have no excuse.”“Alright, I’ve lost. Your devotion is undeniable.”“…You think so too? Even I admit that this is the pinnacle of devotion.”“Many women have pursued me, but none as persistently as you. I stand amazed. Let’s hold it, then. Our marriage. As soon as possible.“Ha… Yes, I’ll accept my fate.”Silence.“Wait, pardon?! What?”What did he just say?Surely I mustve misheard?But the duke, smirking at my shocked face, gave the finishing blow.“I said, I’ll marry you.”Wow.The hero’s dad has an inflated ego.
Status: OnGoing
Published: 2y ago
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