Baits (Official)

Baits (Official)

Soonam’s always considered himself normal, albeit a bit sheltered. His world consists of regular humans and “hybrids,” a half-animal, half-human species that possesses the characteristics of the animal they are. Hybrids are faster, more sensitive, more powerful than regular humans, and the higher up they are in the food chain, the more privileged they are. But all that’s got nothing to do with Soonam, right? Well, turns out that’s not the case, and Soonam’s world turns completely upside down when he encounters Siyeol, an apex predator hybrid in the same department. Siyeol keeps telling him he smells like rabbit, like prey, and he tells him of bigger plans in motion with Soonam at the very center…”이(가) “Soonam’s always considered himself normal, albeit a bit sheltered. His world consists of regular humans and “hybrids,” a half-animal, half-human species that possesses the characteristics of the animal they are. Hybrids are faster, more sensitive, more powerful than regular humans, and the higher up they are in the food chain, the more privileged they are. But all that’s got nothing to do with Soonam, right? Well, turns out that’s not the case, and Soonam’s world turns completely upside down when he encounters Siyeol, an apex predator hybrid in the same department. Siyeol keeps telling him he smells like rabbit, like prey, and he tells him of bigger plans in motion with Soonam at the very center…
Status: OnGoing
Published: 1y ago
Views: 20,832
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